Pop Up Eat Well Center
The award winning Poverello Popup Eat Well Center includes all the grocery items contained in our nutritionist curated healthy meal Plans. In 17 minutes, we can set up anywhere there are 5 parking spaces. Foods are maintained at their appropriate temperatures, including refrigerated and frozen items, and we can add another tent to provide nutrition related information, cooking demonstrations, tastings and education. We’re available to “Pop Up” anywhere in South Florida, but we love partners who can provide the space and qualified participants in our prioritized areas.
Why prioritize areas? Some areas have poor healthy food access (according to USDA) or are deemed “vulnerable” by CDC. So we choose to spend our limited extra resources in areas like these with the greatest need.
What award, might you ask? Poverello’s Pop Up Eat Well Center was recently selected as a Harkin on Wellness designee for 2022.
Our medically tailored grocery items fall into several special categories that follow national guidelines for healthy eating with these conditions:
Heart Disease
Kidney Disease
With lots of condition appropriate fresh fruits and vegetables, nutritional information about how to prepare and portion these foods, participants report feeling better with objectively better outcomes than those who don’t participate.
contact events@poverello.org for pricing and to make arrangements for us to Pop Up in your area!
Improved A1c
Our amazing staff and volunteers bring the joy, love and kindness to each event.
People with chronic conditions or who have food insecurity, leave with enough food for 1 week’s worth of healthy medically tailored foods.
Pop Up Presentation revised PDF