Community Partners
AARP outsources employees to learn employability skills at Poverello while their salaries are paid by AARP. These workers are generally seniors who are returning to the work force and need a good work experience while they seek permanent work.
AG Associated Grocers (Pompano Beach) invites us several times a year to follow their amazing food shows and with our team of volunteers, glean what food is left by vendors to use for our Care Bags, Volunteer/Staff lunches or for use in the thrift store. They’re also one of the suppliers we buy from for the food pantry items we give away.
AIDS United has partnered in a huge way to assist us in the aftermath of hurricane Irma. They provided $10,000 to replace food lost during the storm when we lost electricity for a week. In 2018, they partnered with the Fenway Institute and Health Resource & Services Administration to fund implementation of SBIRT at Poverello. SBIRT is Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment, a form of inter-organizational integration of the food pantry into ambulatory/outpatient medical care. Here’s more about our SBIRT Journey on HRSA’s Target HIV website.
Athenahealth was founded in 1997. One of the largest public-listed EHR companies in the US, the Massachusetts based company provides web-based Electronic Medical Records for free to our Free EXTRA Care Clinic to manage appointments and patient information for those who receive Reiki, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Health Services, or Massage.
Anthem Foundation/Simply Healthcare Foundation awarded us funding to expand our emergency response healthy food distribution throughout South Florida in the wake of the COVID19 public health emergency. Thanks to their support, we’re helping people from Florida City to Jupiter better navigate these difficult times with healthy foods.
Dr. Beth Cooper, provides Chiropractic Care every Tuesday at our live well center for program participants free of charge. She has donated her time every week for over ten years.
Belle Glade Pharmacy in Palm Beach County collaborates with Poverello in our 340b Pharmacy. The competent pharmacist and pleasant staff deliver to any of our clients throughout Palm Beach and Broward County.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS provided the Poverello Center with support for the first time in 2017. In 2018, they upped the ante by providing $15,000 toward our expanded programming. They were one of the first organizations to support our expanded mission to serve people with other critical/chronic conditions in addition to HIV. Each year since, they’ve faithfully supported us with a generous donation.
A generous Grant has been provided by Community Foundation of Broward with support from The Humana Foundation that provides emergency support for Broward residents impacted by the coronavirus. Throughout Broward County, our Pop Up Eat Well Center shows up into some of our hardest hit neighborhoods to distribute healthy groceries chosen by our program participants. The generosity of these collaborating foundations, makes our community a better place, especially during hard times like these.
Broward County Sherriff’s Office Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) “for the support or operation of any drug treatment, drug abuse education, drug prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer program(s).” We provide extra food to those who are food insecure who otherwise might turn to crime to feed themselves or someone they love through LETF. One year however, they’re supporting our work at the Live Well Center where people receive care and support to live healthier lives. This year, 2023-2024, we’re providing jail linkage services.
Broward Community Family Health Centers collaborates with us to provide healthy groceries to their clients who are food insecure. As our Pompano Store’s neighbor, we also collaborate on food distributions and “Farmacy” regularly.
Broward County Community Partnerships Division administers the Ryan White Part A program that funds Food Bank and Food Voucher programs for people with HIV in Broward County. They are our largest single outside funder.
Broward Health came onboard in a major way in 2022 with funding for our Fuel Packs. These are ready to eat groceries provided to mostly homeless residents who are hungry and need something to eat.
Campbell Foundation has supported the Poverello Center since 1987 with a total of more than $75,000! Their faithful “holiday hug” support has meant thousands of people with HIV get the food and nutritional services they’ve needed.
Care Resource parks “The Spot” van at our Wilton Manors store and at our Pompano Beach store weekly.
Compass LGBTQ+ Community Center in Palm Beach County provides space to Poverello staff to distribute food bank services during scheduled Pop up events.
City of Wilton Manors Police Department partners with The Poverello Thrift Store, when bicycles are not claimed to donate these to our store. We also help out people who need bike transportation coming to us from the police department to supply them with bikes.
Dick’s Service Station provides volunteers who cut hair at our Live Well Center. In addition to helping our clients with barber services, they also host food drives, promote, attend and donate to our fundraisers. In 2018 they premiered “Mini Dick’s” a complete renovation of the room at our Live Well Center where haircuts and hair styling is provided.
Drial Foundation has provided ongoing, faithful support to the programs at the Poverello Center. in 2019, they supported our AIDS Walk efforts and their contribution was doubled!
Fenway Institute is a collaborator on our E2i project, Evidence Informed Interventions. They provide technical assistance in the implementation of SBIRT in the food pantry. Their world class training has allowed our customer service representatives to understand the peer intervention we’re implementing.
Florida Atlantic University School of Social Work provides collaborative educational experiences for students at The Poverello Center, Inc. as part of their field education. Students work with participants through intake, assessments, referrals and counseling. The writing department has sent writers to do fieldwork with The Poverello Center.
Food Recovery Partners allow Poverello Center Staff to pick up items daily that would otherwise go to waste. Mainly breads and other bakery items, this food allows us to provide artisanal bakery items at our food pantry. Publix #70; Publix #0591; Publix #750; Publix #1097.
Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau (Sunny.org) lists our destination shopping location, the Poverello Thrift Store in their shopping section of their website. In addition, they provide advertising support for events we list with them.
Health Foundation of South Florida just came along side us to fund our Humana COVID-19 Relief & Recovery project. Through their assistance, we are providing healthy groceries for up to six weeks to families throughout South Florida in need from the public health emergency effects. What a pleasure to be of service to our community through the generosity of the Health Foundation of South Florida and Humana!
Howard Greenfield Charitable Foundation funds half of our Nutritionist salary for 2017. For 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 the Foundation fully funded our nutritionist position by donating the entire amount necessary to pay and provide benefits for our Nutritionist. The funding nourishes our program by providing the nutritionist who curates all of our grocery items, so that no matter the selection, our program participants are receiving healthy foods. This year, besides individual and group nutrition interventions in service of our mission, our nutritionist begins our Diabetes Prevention Program, participates in our Poverello Popup Eat Well Center and develops our Healthy Kid meal plan for the first time.
Hot Spots Media consistently says “yes” when we ask for ad placement at no cost to our organization, that’s commitment and sponsorship. We’re grateful for their continuous support for our annual bowl-a-thon.
Humana Foundation has generously provided funds to help us address those at risk of food insecurity throughout South Florida during the COVID19 public health emergency. Through the Health Foundation of South Florida and the Broward Community Foundation, they’re helping us make sure your south Florida neighbors don’t go hungry as we struggle with job losses and food insecurity.
The Jim Moran Foundation Established in 2000 by automotive pioneer Jim Moran to ensure his philanthropy would endure beyond his lifetime, the mission of The Jim Moran Foundation is to improve the quality of life for the youth and families of Florida through the support of innovative programs and opportunities that meet the ever-changing needs of the community.
The Foundation has invested more than $230 million in education, elder care, family strengthening and youth transitional living initiatives with efforts currently focused on Broward, Palm Beach, and Duval counties. More recently, the foundation has supported our Pop Up Eat Well Center in areas of greatest need throughout Broward and Palm Beach Counties.
Macy’s funds food for participants who are not eligible for any other programming. The generosity of the employees and customers means people get food right away when they come to us. Macy’s also allows Poverello to be a beneficiary of their employee program “Bag Hunger” where each spring they host a food and fundraiser for the food pantry. This year, they’ve supported our Bowling for Food as Medicine event.
Midway Specialty Care Center in Palm Beach allows Poverello staff to disperse healthy foods gift cards to their clients in Palm Beach.
Our Fund initially funded a program through our Eat Well Center that pays for groceries for those experiencing a chronic or critical illness. In the past, our fund has also provided support for our Live Well Center programming. They also donated to the effort in 2020 as well as providing emergency support right as COVID19 became problematic for all of us. This year, they’ve supported our overall programming with a Program Support grant for their Health and Wellness Initiative.
Out Clique has been a supporter since its founding several years ago. Last year, their fundraiser was a huge success, providing the Poverello Center with $7,500. Their video work has fueled informative dialogue about our new services and helped define what is so special about Poverello. They helped us get the word out about the community need during COVID19.
Palm Beach County Community Services is funding our healthy foods programming for the first time for people living with HIV in Palm Beach County. Under the program that begins March 2021, eligible Palm Beach County residents may participate in our accountable healthy food voucher program that provides either a Publix gift card or a Target Electronic gift card for the purchase of healthy groceries. Participants return the receipt to verify their purchase of healthy foods and if a plastic card, return it to receive another.
Pride Center as our neighbor, collaborates with us on events, helps us during the week with parking and we help with parking on flea market weekends. We share participants, volunteers and provide referrals to Pride Center programming like HIV testing.
Primanti Brothers steps up to the plate in more ways than one. Each year, they help supply turkeys for our thanksgiving groceries for participants. They also sponsor our Bowling to Fight Hunger.
Publix since 2017 has supported our efforts in South Florida. Publix Super Markets Charities Inc. granted $20,000 for us to add dependents food boxes to participants with HIV who have children. In 2018, we received $25,000 in additional money for our NutriKids program at our Pop Up Eat Well Center Events. Each year since, Publix Supermarkets Charities have supported our programming throughout South Florida. They assisted with COVID-19 emergency assistance to families and last year, they helped with our Pop Up Eat Well Center events held in areas of greatest vulnerability in South Florida. Their Supermarkets are faithful suppliers to our free breads and sweets programs. Their efforts have kept countless pounds of fresh high quality and healthy grains from going into the trash…instead helping to feed our neighbors.
Ryan White Part A Program Providers collaborate with us to create a continuum of HIV care services that spans medical care, pharmacy, behavioral health, dentistry, case management, food, peer support, legal and disease case management. When someone signs up for the program, they select services for which they qualify and that they need. We work closely with these providers to offer participants collaborative high quality healthcare. Our Part A collaborators are AHF, Care Resource, Broward House, Latinos Salud, SunServe, Memorial Health System, Broward Regional Health System, Broward Regional Health Planning Council, and Legal Aid.
The Smart Ride first helped us bring back the Nutritionist position at The Poverello Center several years ago. The nutritionist seed money coupled with more recent generosity from other organizations has helped us maintain our nutritionist service. We began helping at the ride by providing some crew and logistical support. In 2017, we’re a recipient of their 10% Lifeline Funding to support our work at the Live Well Center. In 2018, we received $20,000 to assist in the purchase of a generator so that post storms, we won’t ever loose food like we did after Hurricane Irma. This year, they came to our rescue early with help coping with COVID19. In 2022, they funded the purchase of our first HIV testing kits and have helped us with many aspects of our programming.
Simply Healthcare Foundation provides a program grant that supported our COVID19 South Florida response. Through their funding, we provide healthy groceries to South Floridians in poorer neighborhoods, where access to healthy foods and transportation is limited. You’ll soon begin seeing their logo at all of our Pop Up Eat Well Center events throughout South Florida. Recently, they’ve provided full support for our chronic conditions programs with an increased analysis of the health outcomes for participants.
United Way of Broward hosts the Lifeline program, whose original goal was to supply 1,000,000 meals to residents of Broward County. Having met this goal long ago , the program continues to supply food to our participants in the form of our Care Bags. Our most recent program audit results are available here.
University of California San Francisco was our evaluation partner in the E2i Evidence Informed Interventions Project. They provided technical assistance and data analysis for us within the context of this project. The goal of the study was to look at the implementation science of our SBIRT project as one of 24 different sites throughout the nation. Our site showed statistically significant improvement in viral suppression for participants.
Urban League outsources employees to learn employability skills to Poverello while their salaries are paid by Urban League. These workers are generally seniors who are returning to the work force and need a good work experience while they seek permanent work.
Wells Fargo Annual bowl-a-thon supporters (since 2010), the bank also lends us their manager as our Vice Chair of our board of directors. The bank over the years has provided over $35,000 in support. Last year, we were especially proud to have our Vice Chair Mitch Bloom selected as South Florida Volunteer of the Year by Wells Fargo and National Service Award Winner. This generated support in the amount of an additional $5,000! Last year, they sponsored our Bowling to Fight Hunger and provided over 50 volunteers. This year, they’ve helped with Emergency Food for our Community affected by COVID19.
Wilton Manors Business Association is our hometown association of businesses who work collaboratively to make our Island City a better place. Working together, we get closer to our agency mission.