Pickups/ Deliveries Contact Info
Fill out the form below or email frontdesk1@poverello.org and/or call 954-561-3663 for dispatcher M-F 8am-4pm.
We are UNABLE to Accept:
- Formica Furniture
- Water Beds or Platform Beds
- Disassembled Furniture
- Kitchen Cabinets, Sinks, Toilets
- Drop-In Stoves, Mountable Microwaves
- Office Furniture except for Chairs
- Gym Equipment except for Bowflex and Bikes
- Computer Monitors or TV’s except Flatscreens
- Wall to Wall carpeting and padding, Carpet Remnants
- Printers, Copiers, Scanners Fax machines
- Any Particle Board Furniture
- Television Armoires, Wall Units or Entertainment Centers